Post 5: My future job

Resultado de imagen para ingenieria en alimentos
Hi guys, I study food engineering at the University of Chile and this is my third year, I mainly chose this career because I had no idea that studying after giving the PSU and reading the curriculum mesh convinced me, so I signed up and finished like it or not I would be here writing this hahaha.

I chose this career because I can work in industries, administration, research centers, laboratories among others, and I love laboratories, I like too much to carry out experiments and have the adrenaline of whether something is going to explode or not. Also because the food problem is very important today due to global warming and resource shortages, so I want to be creating or modifying foods to make them fit to the needs that are emerging, as is the case with transgenic foods that were created in order to improve their efficiency, taste and be more nutritious.

I would like to travel to live the experience and know what the needs that living beings have throughout the world and just like that have a more general vision so that in the future I can help them with their needs.

I honestly don't know what a food engineer's salary is but according to the internet the salary is approximately $ 650,000 per month.

Here I leave some photos of transgenic foods to be amazed to see the radical change they have.

Los cambios que ha experimentado el plátano a lo largo del tiempo  

 Los cambios que ha experimentado la sandía a lo largo del tiempo
