Post 2: My Favorite concert or vacation.

My favorite vacation was when I traveled to Chiloé by plane, I took a photo that became my favorite photo, I like this picture too much because it was my first time traveling on a plane, it took us a while to get there, compared to the first time I went to Chiloe on a bus, I arrived with the square butt of sitting so much.

This photo is taken in the year 2016 when my aunt invited my mother, my grandmother and me to her home in the summer holidays, it was a very nice experience that I had never lived before, seeing the landscape from above was very beautiful, the intense colors of nature, the majestic view of volcanoes, it was an unforgettable experience and besides that we got off the plane my grandmother got her pants loose because she had a bad button, It was very funny that to this day I still laugh at what happened to him.

I hope you like the picture I took from the plane, I put all my artistic talent to immortalize the moment.



  1. I remember that I travel to Chiloé when I was a kid, I was scare for no reason jeje


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