Post 6: postgraduate studies

Hello people, today I play a difficult subject for me, because I've only thought that I could continue to specializing but never do research. So it is never too late to investigate and here I will capture the ideas I have at this time, maybe later I can think of more things or change them, who knows ...

To start, search Google for the continuity of studies for food engineers, I found a very good page and coincidentally the page is from the University of Chile, here I leave the link in case you want to enter and find out more about their careers (

Well, the one that caught my attention the most is the magister in food sciences, the first reason is because it lasts a little more than 2 years, instead, a doctorate lasts more than 4 years, the second reason is that it focuses on the biochemistry of food, nutrition, health and environmental care, for me they are sufficient reasons that motivate me to move forward with this idea.

Honestly, I'm not sure where to study, whether in Chile or abroad, I think it's too early to decide now, I don't want to get carried away by passing emotions to make such an important decision.

I think some ideas should remain hidden for the moment, bye.
