Who is a person/expert on your field that you admire?

Hello Everyone!!!, I hope that you are well!

Today, in this blogg I will talk about a person that I admire.

The name of this person is Lilian Abugoch James, she was a teacher in the faculty of chemistry and farmacy, she has a mandated in the specific course of Food Ingenier like "Biochemistry of aliments", "Package", "Ingenier of Process of Conservation", "Ingenier of Sea Products" and a lot of course related with the processes and with my career in study. I decided write of her because in my first year of my carrer, one of the investigation that I search was of the amaranth and the origin and properties of them, for this report I ask to the teacher about this topic and it turns out that they was make your thesis investigated the amaranth. Of course they have a lot of investigations and thesis with other themes and topics, but in general, all are related with the food and the science.

I hope you have enyoyed reading. Bye Bye.


  1. I would like to know her, she look so friendly

  2. It´s great that you meet the person you admire. I´m sure she set a before and after in your career.

  3. it's great that you could talk directly to her about the research topic

  4. it must be cool learn of the person that you admire :D

  5. I hope to meet her and learn from her knowledge


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