The most enjoyable subject...

Hello everyone!!!!
Today I will talk about my favorite subject in this semester.

Actually, I'm not sure that subject talk, because I like two subject in the semester, but I think that I choose calculation three.

The full name for this subject is "Advanced Multivariate Calculation", yes, is a complicated name, even when I hear that name, I don't know what thing was going to study in this subject, but, in general I enjoyed. In the classroom I try to paying attention and write the most important, also I study in my free time and try to advance in the content. The main content in this subject are the mathematical functions, in special the curve functions, this content is a little be complicate, but is interesting because, you can outline all type of geometric figures, since a simple cube until a electronic device, it's really fun!!! (at least in my case jaja). I like this subject because..... I don't know, I like math in general, and with this content I can plot a lot of geometric forms, and the teacher is pleasant, it's like a grandma but expert in math. Calculation three is a good subject in my opinion.

Thanks for reading my post!



  1. woah, it sounds very interesting! I don't know so much about this... first I need to pass calculus introduction haha

  2. I read the name of the subject and I was scared, I think I´ll never take it

  3. Advanced Multivariate Calculation, good name


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