My blog experiencie

Personally I am not a person who loves to write and talk about his life in a place as exposed as a blog, but I was forced to do this job not for pleasure but for a note, eventually every time I had to write About something I started to take the pleasure of writing because the teacher gave interesting topics and I liked them such as my favorite movie or something related to the human body, among other topics.

With the passage of time writing blogs became a very pleasant experience since I did not have high expectations and it helped me to distract myself from the stress that one constantly suffers from being a student, also it helped me to express myself a little better by writing and I could know a little more to my classmates who were initially only people of some career in the faculty. I really enjoyed reading the stories of where they came from and suggestions they placed on their blogs.

I would have liked to write about some paranormal experience or close encounters with beings from another world, it would have been very entertaining to read the experiences of each of my classmates.

I hope we all pass English 3 and hopefully meet in English 4.

Goodbye and success!
