Your favourite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology is the computer, if you wonder why that and not another, simple, this device is used to find information, see the files sent by teachers, watch videos on YouTube, series, movies, play and many other things plus. Of course perfectly that you can also do in other devices but in my case I like to have the big screen to not miss any detail of the film.

I have always had a computer, I practically grew up with one, obviously over the years I have changed it with other models, I use it every day either to study or to distract myself and get out of the routine.

I can not imagine a life without my computer, because it is more convenient to look for information in it, besides that it has great memory capacity and it is customary to use it every day, I would feel strange if I did not use it.


  1. as you said a computer is so useful today,i would be in trouble if i lost mine hahaha


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