Why did you choose your career?

When you are little, your relatives always ask you what you want to be when you grow up, I remember that at that time they gave a program called the "la ley de la selva" and "animal planet", obviously they are programs where they showed animals and I have always loved them so my dream was to be a veterinarian, I also liked making models and building things like architects.

Over the years the interests were changing, I was interested in other areas but I never stopped loving animals or building models. I was never very sure that studying but I did have my inclination to certain careers such as medical technology, civil engineering and biochemistry. Until it was time to decide, look for information everywhere, I asked a friend who is a biology teacher for help and she helped me talk to people from the careers that caught my attention, looking for a career that meets everything that interested me, how to research, work in industry, laboratories, food, the commitment to take care of human health and the environment, it was a career that I did not know, I had never heard of her, that career is food engineering.

My experience in college has been more good than bad, I have met very friendly people and to others that seem to have a demon locked inside that at any moment will come out, but in spite of everything I enjoy the moments that I spend in the university because it is entertaining to learn new things and laugh with your friends.

In the future I would like to work creating new foods for living beings, show them products that they never imagined could be edible.

So I hope that someday they will try the fabulous products that I will create, kisses.


  1. Woww, I was also interested in medical technology

  2. Creating new foods... Please make a tasty hamburger that is also healthy :D

  3. "La ley de la selva" it was one of my favorite shows when I was a child

  4. it's good that you like the career, the best of luck!!!

  5. When I was a child, I wanted be veterinarian thanks to la ley de la selva XD

  6. haha me too,i used to see "la ley de la selva", i wish you success in your goals


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